Thursday, January 17, 2008

Royal Buffet

Mollie Greene and I have decided to pool our creative efforts (she: very creative small motor skills and especially good wittiness, me: "did you draw that silhouette yourself?"yes, I guess I did and but no, I don't do wit very well. . .) So anyways, Royal Buffet (I just love the name) is our brand spankin new Etsy shop. Right now we are selling valentines, they are so much fun to make. The main reason I think we are selling them is not necessarily to make money but as an excuse to make stuff. . . One of my favorite items are the valentine kits that Mollie put together. I have been looking around the web, and I must say there really is nothing else quite like our stuff out there.

1 comment:

Hannah Bontrager said...

Would that we all created art like you. xoxox